Movie details
Summary: The show revolved around a 16-year-old boy named Vaibhav, who relocates to Kota for his higher studies from Itarsi. The series will give a brief of how a student spends his life in the city, Kota. It also highlights the effort of the boy who is trying to crack the IIT entrance examination.
What’s the story?
If you like to watch Comedy Drama, then you must try watching the Kota Factory TV show. It is an Indian web series made for TVF or The Viral Fever, a YouTube channel founded by Arunabh Kumar in 2010 by TVF Media Labs. Contagious Online Media Network Private Limited is the current owner and operator of the channel.
The series was released in between 16 April-14 May 2019 as One season and Five episodes. In the lead roles, the show is featuring Revathi Pillai, Jitendra Kumar, Ranjan Raj, Urvi Singh, Ahsaas Channa, Alam khan, and Mayur More. The most notable characters are Vaibhav (Mayur More), and Meena (Ranjan Raj).
The TV series is known to be the first-ever black and white Indian web series directed by Raghav Subbu and made by Saurabh Khanna. The total runtime of the series is about 45 minutes!
Kota is a famous city of India located in the Rajasthan state. It is known as the hub of coaching centers for different examinations to get a seat in the country’s renowned colleges. Students from different regions of the nation have come to Kota every year, stay, and prepare for the same.
The central theme of Kota Factory TV Show is how students at their young age need to deal with both their life and competition. Many students are familiar with this, especially when they prepare for professional entrance exams in any other city. How a student needs to face fall, rebellion, and struggle, all with the hope to succeed or crack an exam!
Undoubtedly, it is a well-penned story that depicts how the grueling academic culture of a country like India makes its student super busy. They have to deal with coaching-class hierarchies, parent-less room, adapting to a new town, and sweaty nights.
You can realize how educational buzz can make most of the students orthodox. They do not have any self-confidence to prepare for entrance exams. It makes the situation even tougher for the students who are average in their studies. But, they are still dreaming of getting admissions to the better batches at the high prestigious coaching institutes.
Is it any good?
At present, it has got a 9.1 rating out of 10 on IMDB as per the average of more than 19.5k reviewers. Also, the series has got pretty decent critical receptions from many Indian expert reviewers. Here are some of the highlights taken from their statements;
It has good sound design, art direction, cinematography backed by the excellent performance of the actors. The show makes you engaged and is something to applaud. Overall it is a less dramatic narrative story with a contemporary perspective to depict the Indian education system. It is relatable and realistic, and the story can leave you thinking about optimism.
The main aim of the creator from Kota Factory is to change the mindset that Indians have, especially students on IIT preparation and Kota. According to Saurabh Khanna, he always feels that education comes with a trauma that a student needs to face in life.
There are many facts in the story to relish the mind and enhance the interest of its viewers. It includes a great relationship between a teacher and a student. Also, a layer of personal relationships is there among students that are rare to be seen among educationally dedicated youths.
One scene from the story is worth to mention here where the management of an institution treats average students as Bankers and toppers as Rankers. But, it does not mean toppers can live their life full of enjoyment and freedom there. A coaching center can force them to be with them, and they cannot approach any other coaching either for study materials or practice test series.
As per another scene, an auto (taxi) driver is mentioning Kota as a Factory rather than a City. Hence, this is from where the Title of this short web series has come. By the way, the title is enough for Indian youths to get a brief idea about the story.
The web series seems to present the story of a boy who is facing a culture where it is difficult to identify the difference between a machine and a man. A summary to depict the lopsided educational system of India, especially at Kota. The city ‘or factory’ is still an epi-center of dream-selling institutions.
In many online discussion platforms, the real-life experienced guys have left their views about Kota Factory. On average, they are pretty impressed with its story. But, it is only 60-70% true, and rest is to serve the entertainment, they added there are some dark sides as well.
It is a must to watch web series, especially for teenagers who wish to pursue the preparation of entrance of higher studies only at Kota. The show can help them to get some ideas about reality.
Also, it can work as an eye-opener for parents as well. Guardians can understand the real life of students at Kota, those who are planning to send their children there forcefully. After all, it is natural, since every parent dreams of their children to study hard and prepare for the IIT or Medical entrance examinations.